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Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer's Guide (update 07/2023)

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Alpha and Omega
Apr 30, 2021
Reaction score
3 years of service

| 11.53 GB
Everything you need to know for building mobile apps with Flutter and Dart, including RxDart and Animations!

If you're tired of spinning your wheels learning Swift or Android, this is the course for you.
Animations? You will learn it. Architectural Patterns? Included. Navigation? Of course!
Flutter is a newcomer to the mobile development scene. Strongly supported by Google, it is already viewed as an ideal platform for replacing native Swift and Android development. Thanks to its amazing standard library of widgets, fast compile times, and amazing documentation, developers are falling in love with Flutter!
This course supports MacOS and Windows - develop Android and iOS apps easily!
Flutter apps are created using the language Dart. No problem if you're not already familiar with Dart; this course includes a lightning fast introduction to Dart at the beginning, along with hours of bonus lectures at the end of the course solely focused on Dart and its advanced features. If you come from a background working with Java, Ruby, or Javascript, you'll feel right at home with Dart - the syntax is nearly identical, only a few core concepts need to be learned. Dart is a strongly typed language - but don't be discouraged if you're not a fan of strong types! I spend special time in this course to make it extra clear why developing with a strongly typed language is a breeze!
One of the greatest challenges around developing Flutter applications right now is understanding how to design and architect apps. Flutter is still in rapid development, and the community at large is still trying to find out the best techniques. With this in mind, special attention is paid in the course to making sure you understand the primary design patterns advocated by Google's Flutter team, including both the 'Stateful Widget' pattern and the 'BLOC' pattern. The 'BLOC' pattern makes heavy use of Reactive Programming techniques, which you'll learn about in this course as well. These techniques can be easily applied to other languages and frameworks as well - talk about a bonus!
Of course, no mobile app is complete without some nice looking animations. You'll learn how to build animations using Flutter's standard library of tools, which can be easily used to make interactions that your users will love. You should plan to complete the course with knowledge of how to reference Flutter's standard library of widgets to assemble complex animations.

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KatzSec DevOps

Alpha and Omega
Jan 17, 2022
Reaction score
2 years of service
lovewarez salamat sa pag contribute. Next time always upload your files sa
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