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Building Web Applications with Django (Path)

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Alpha and Omega
Nov 24, 2022
Reaction score
2 years of service


Building Web Applications with Django (Path)
Reindert-Jan Ekker (et al.) | Duration: 15 h | Video: H264 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48 kHz 2ch | 2,03 GB | Language: English​

Django is a Python-based, free and open-source web framework that follows the model-template-views architectural pattern. Django encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel.
This path starts off by introducing the fundamentals of Django. It then dives into how to build templates, query data, test, deploy and optimize your app. By the end you will have the tools necessary to build professional Django applications.
Courses in this path
1. Django: Getting Started (Reindert-Jan Ekker, 2020)
1. Course Overview
2. Starting a Django Project
3. Creating a Simple Web Page
4. Setting up a Data Model
5. Combining Model, View, and Template
6. Urls and Link Building
7. Templates, Styling, and Static Content
8. Adding User Interaction with ModelForms
2. Django Views, Apps, and URL Mappings (Saravanan Dhandapani, 2020)
1. Course Overview
2. Creating a Django Project and Setting up URL Mapping
3. Django Views and Class-based Views
4. Django Cookies, Sessions, and Systems
5. Django Convenience Features
3. Django Templates (Anthony Alampi, 2020)
1. Course Overview
2. Overview of Templates
3. Adding Content to Templates
4. Optimizing and Debugging Templates
4. Working with Django Models (Reindert-Jan Ekker, 2021)
1. Course Overview
2. Introduction - ORM and Django Models
3. Django Model Classes and Instances
4. Django Model Fields
5. Managers and QuerySets
6. Customizing Model Behaviour
7. Migrations
8. Optimizing the ORM
5. Django Forms and ModelForms (Sangeeta Singh, 2020)
1. Course Overview
2. Creating a Simple and Intuitive Form
3. Validating the User Inputs to the Forms
4. Using Formsets and Factory
5. Beautifying Your Forms
6. Securing the Views against CSRF - Middleware and AJAX
7. Securing the Views against CSRF - Templates and Decorators
6. Django Admin (Elias Fofanov, 2020)
1. Course Overview
2. Getting Started with the Admin Panel and Models
3. Customizing the Admin Panel through Models
4. Adding Actions and Customizing Editing Pages
5. Customizing Views and Templates
6. Adding Validation and Documentation
7. Django Testing, Security, and Performance (Abdul Rehman Yousaf, 2020)
1. Course Overview
2. Introducing the Django Framework
3. Coding Security in Django
4. Optimizing Performance in Django
5. Implementing Unit Tests in Django
6. Conclusion and Next Steps
8. Django Deployment and Maintenance (Anthony Alampi, 2020)
1. Course Overview
2. Creating and Deploying Django Applications
3. Handling Errors and Bugs
4. Upgrading Django


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KatzSec DevOps

Alpha and Omega
Jan 17, 2022
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oaxino salamat sa pag contribute. Next time always upload your files sa
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