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BackupChain DriveMaker 9.0.245

S 0


Alpha and Omega
Apr 11, 2021
Reaction score
4 years of service

BackupChain DriveMaker 9.0.245

File size: 547 KB

BackupChain DriveMaker 9.0.245 is the name of a new and useful software product with the help of which the user can add his desired server to Windows in the form of a new drive and access it as a normal partition in the system. As you know, drives in a computer are actually part of the hard disk space that is labeled with an English letter and can store various information. In this article from Yas Download site, we have prepared software for you dear users that can add FTP, FTPS, SFTP and servers to the system to provide faster access to it.

Managing phototype servers and its easy and fast accessibility are among the needs that people in the IT field deal with. As you know, server content can be accessed quickly through a software; But what if you do not intend to use an interface software for this access? In this article, we will introduce you to the software that adds your desired server just like a hard disk drive in the system so that you can read and write its content in any software. You can now download the latest version of BackupChain DriveMaker software from the Yas website.

Features of BackupChain DriveMaker software:

- Being free and easy to use

- Ability to add FTP, FTPS, SFTP drives in Windows

- Ability to access server content like other drives in the system

- Ability of Windows applications to access the contents of the server memory

- Ability to search for files through Windows Explorer

- Having a simple and user-friendly graphical interface and the ability to configure quickly and easily

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