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Autodesk Inventor Professional 2021.2 (x64)-XFORCE | 12.5 GB | Language: English
Autodesk Inventor - contains a full set of flexible tools for mechanical 3D-design, analysis, manufacturing, creating tooling, design customization and design data exchange. Inventor helps to go beyond 3D to Digital Prototyping using technology based on having a high-precision 3D models, which allows the design, visualization, and analysis of the products even before the first prototype will be made. Digital Prototyping, implemented in Inventor, makes it possible to improve the quality of products, reduce development and accelerate time to market costs.
Engineering 3D-design Compatible with the DWG format Design of large products, plastic parts and sheet material Visualization of projects and documentation release design automation Built-in capabilities engineering calculations and analysis by finite element method (FEM) Design of cable systems and pipelines Design of molds and tooling
Information on the distribution of: The starting material for the creation of the assembly - the original ESD-distribution. Integrated update Autodesk Inventor 2021.1 Update and Autodesk Inventor 2021.1.2 Update. Appendix Autodesk Licensing replaced with version on 08.08.19, the Removed applications Autodesk Desktop App, Autodesk Single Sign On Component and Autodesk Genuine Service. Carried out technical improvements, relieving the end user from a number of problems when installing programs. Added instructions for installing and activating the program.
System Requirements: OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10 CPU: Recommended:3.0 GHz or greater, 4 or more cores / Minimum:2.5 GHz or greater Memory: Recommended:20 GB RAM or more / Minimum:8 GB RAM for less than 500-part assemblies Graphics: Recommended:4 GB GPU with 106 GB/S Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant / Minimum:1 GB GPU with 29 GB/S Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant Display:Recommended:3840 x 2160 (4K); Preferred scaling: 100%, 125%, 150% or 200% / Minimum:1280 x 1024 NET:.NET Framework Version 4.7 or later. Windows Updates enabled for installation.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2021.2 (x64)-XFORCE | 12.5 GB | Language: English
Autodesk Inventor - contains a full set of flexible tools for mechanical 3D-design, analysis, manufacturing, creating tooling, design customization and design data exchange. Inventor helps to go beyond 3D to Digital Prototyping using technology based on having a high-precision 3D models, which allows the design, visualization, and analysis of the products even before the first prototype will be made. Digital Prototyping, implemented in Inventor, makes it possible to improve the quality of products, reduce development and accelerate time to market costs.
Engineering 3D-design
Compatible with the DWG format
Design of large products, plastic parts and sheet material
Visualization of projects and documentation release
design automation
Built-in capabilities engineering calculations and analysis by finite element method (FEM)
Design of cable systems and pipelines
Design of molds and tooling
Information on the distribution of: The starting material for the creation of the assembly - the original ESD-distribution.
Integrated update Autodesk Inventor 2021.1 Update and Autodesk Inventor 2021.1.2 Update.
Appendix Autodesk Licensing replaced with version on 08.08.19, the
Removed applications Autodesk Desktop App, Autodesk Single Sign On Component and Autodesk Genuine Service.
Carried out technical improvements, relieving the end user from a number of problems when installing programs.
Added instructions for installing and activating the program.
System Requirements: OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10
CPU: Recommended:3.0 GHz or greater, 4 or more cores / Minimum:2.5 GHz or greater
Memory: Recommended:20 GB RAM or more / Minimum:8 GB RAM for less than 500-part assemblies
Graphics: Recommended:4 GB GPU with 106 GB/S Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant / Minimum:1 GB GPU with 29 GB/S Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant
Display:Recommended:3840 x 2160 (4K); Preferred scaling: 100%, 125%, 150% or 200% / Minimum:1280 x 1024
NET:.NET Framework Version 4.7 or later. Windows Updates enabled for installation.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2021.2 (x64)-XFORCE | 12.5 GB | Language: English
Autodesk Inventor - contains a full set of flexible tools for mechanical 3D-design, analysis, manufacturing, creating tooling, design customization and design data exchange. Inventor helps to go beyond 3D to Digital Prototyping using technology based on having a high-precision 3D models, which allows the design, visualization, and analysis of the products even before the first prototype will be made. Digital Prototyping, implemented in Inventor, makes it possible to improve the quality of products, reduce development and accelerate time to market costs.
Engineering 3D-design
Compatible with the DWG format
Design of large products, plastic parts and sheet material
Visualization of projects and documentation release
design automation
Built-in capabilities engineering calculations and analysis by finite element method (FEM)
Design of cable systems and pipelines
Design of molds and tooling
Information on the distribution of: The starting material for the creation of the assembly - the original ESD-distribution.
Integrated update Autodesk Inventor 2021.1 Update and Autodesk Inventor 2021.1.2 Update.
Appendix Autodesk Licensing replaced with version on 08.08.19, the
Removed applications Autodesk Desktop App, Autodesk Single Sign On Component and Autodesk Genuine Service.
Carried out technical improvements, relieving the end user from a number of problems when installing programs.
Added instructions for installing and activating the program.
System Requirements: OS:Microsoft® Windows® 10
CPU: Recommended:3.0 GHz or greater, 4 or more cores / Minimum:2.5 GHz or greater
Memory: Recommended:20 GB RAM or more / Minimum:8 GB RAM for less than 500-part assemblies
Graphics: Recommended:4 GB GPU with 106 GB/S Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant / Minimum:1 GB GPU with 29 GB/S Bandwidth and DirectX 11 compliant
Display:Recommended:3840 x 2160 (4K); Preferred scaling: 100%, 125%, 150% or 200% / Minimum:1280 x 1024
NET:.NET Framework Version 4.7 or later. Windows Updates enabled for installation.