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  1. S

    WiFi Manager

    WiFi Manager File Size : 37 Mb WiFi Manager allows you to manage wireless networks. Using scan feature you can quickly find your lost password for the wireless network. Also the application gets you the ability to connect, check and set up hosted networks. WiFi Manager has many...
  2. S

    NetSpot Unlimited Enterprise 2.13.750.1 Multilingual

    NetSpot Unlimited Enterprise 2.13.750.1 Multilingual File size: 5 MB NetSpot is the only professional app for wireless site surveys, Wi-Fi analysis, and troubleshooting on Mac OS X and Windows. It's a FREE Wi-Fi analyzer. No need to be a network expert to improve your home or office Wi-Fi...
  3. S

    LizardSystems Wi-Fi Scanner 21.05 Multilingual

    LizardSystems Wi-Fi Scanner 21.05 Multilingual File size: 6.5 MB Wi-Fi Scanner allows you to easily locate visible wireless networks and its corresponding information. The tool obtains the network name (SSID), signal strength (RSSI) and quality, MAC address (BSSID), channel, maximum and...
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