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  1. C

    Samsung fast charging prob

    Cheeezer0824 Next time always upload your files sa https://hbit.to para siguradong di ma dedeadlink. *Please Disable your adblock when visiting katz.to to keep us running forever.
  2. P

    Note20 Camera Failed

    Biglaan nagkaproblema yung phone ko. Warning. Camera failed. Hindi ko na ma-access yung camera app at hindi na rin magamit yung rear camera sa other apps. HIndi ko nabagsak yung phone. Biglaan nalang hindi siya nagbubukas. Any idea kung magkano ang pagpapaayos ng camera ng Note20. Worth pa...
  3. S

    Samsung Data Migration 4.0 build 17

    Samsung Data Migration 4.0 build 17 File Size : 60.4 Mb Samsung Data Migration lets you simply connect your Samsung SSD drive and clone your hard drive to your new Samsung SSD drive in just a couple of steps. Samsung SSD Magician can manage the health and performance of your Samsung SSD...
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