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  1. Samuel L. Jackson

    Unbreakable (2019)

    Storyline Mariel and Deena were strangers until they became the best of friends because of the similarities in the pain that they had experienced. Their friendship is put to the test when one of them decides to get married. DOWNLOAD LINK BELOW *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights...
  2. Samuel L. Jackson

    Drama Between Maybes (2019)

    Storyline Amidst the silence and isolation, Hazel and Louie find comfort in each other as they both needed it at that certain point in their lives. But knowing how far apart their worlds are, they can only hold on to the belief that some encounters are special because of how fleeting they are...
  3. Samuel L. Jackson

    Horror Pinoy Midnight in a Perfect World (2020)

    https://youtu.be/I34JDAsOoDI Storyline In the near future, Manila is an almost-utopian city, but they still believe in ghost stories. Nobody survives the mysterious blackouts that happen in random parts of the city after midnight. Nobody believes the horrors in its darkness are even real...
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