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  1. O

    Question Newbie question

    Hello, baguhan lang po ako sa mga forums and discussion threads. Closest na alam ko is Reddit at kahit yun di ko rin masyadong maintindihan. Meron bang cheat sheet para sa mga newbies katulad ko?
  2. S

    Richardson RazorSQL 9.4.2

    Richardson RazorSQL 9.4.2 File size: 136 MB RazorSQL is a unversal database query tool, SQL editor, and database navigator. It includes a relational database engine that requires no configuration. Some of the main features contained in RazorSQL are visual tools for creating, editing...
  3. kilobravo


    Hello mga Ka-katz!, Alam ko luma na itong tanong ko, Hindi ko kasi makita ung thread na hinahanap ko regarding sa concern ko. So, as the title implies, pano po formulate ang default wifi name into wifi password. Manghihingi lang po ng inyong kaalaman :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Salamuch!
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