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Udemy NEW Red Hat Training and Certification RHEL 9 RH134

A 0


Alpha and Omega
Feb 15, 2022
Reaction score
3 years of service

3.29 GB | 00:09:23 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Introduction (23.62 MB)
1 Booting Process of RHEL 9 System (43.03 MB)
10 Boot RHEL 9 into Emergency Mode (5.86 MB)
11 Enabling the Early Debug Shell (5.12 MB)
12 Repair File System Issues at Boot (11.8 MB)
13 Repair File System - Misconfiguration in the etcfstab (19.06 MB)
14 Repair File System - Root FS corruption (30.63 MB)
2 Reboot and Shutdown (5.54 MB)
3 Systemd Target (25.49 MB)
4 Select a Target at Runtime (19.47 MB)
5 Set a default target (14.54 MB)
6 Select a Target at Boot Time (15.3 MB)
7 Reset the Root Passwd using Rd Break (22.54 MB)
8 Reset the Root Passwd using RHEL 9 ISO (29.87 MB)
9 Repairing Systemd Boot Issues - Rescue Mode (13.53 MB)
1 Introducing container technology (41.99 MB)
10 Create a Container Image using Containerfile (30.11 MB)
11 Inspect the container Image (8.39 MB)
12 Run Containers (13.99 MB)
13 Create and start container (19.38 MB)
14 Run a container from a Remote Repository (26.58 MB)
15 Run a Ubuntu Container (32.07 MB)
16 Run an Apache WebServer container on port 8080 (39.3 MB)
17 Environment Isolation in Containers (14.48 MB)
18 Podman exec - executes a command inside a running container (13.24 MB)
19 Remove Containers and Images (29.79 MB)
2 Container Images and Registries (15.77 MB)
20 Manage Container Resources (18.83 MB)
21 Environment Variables for Containers (28.27 MB)
22 Run a MariaDB container while passing environment variables (21.74 MB)
23 Ephemeral nature of container storage (32.52 MB)
24 Container Persistent Storage (19.72 MB)
25 Attach the persistent storage to a container (15.52 MB)
26 Assign a Port Mapping to Containers (26.61 MB)
27 Map the container host port on the container (Mariadb) (25.12 MB)
29 Last Lecture (1.26 MB)
3 Authenticate to registry - Podman login (10.04 MB)
4 Conf file of container registries (21.81 MB)
5 Container Files to Build Container Images (6.53 MB)
6 The Podman Utility (10.15 MB)
7 Install Container Utilities (13.13 MB)
8 Search a Container Image (29.43 MB)
9 Examine container image - skopeo inspect (27.49 MB)
1 Write Simple Bash Scripts (19.71 MB)
10 Exit Codes in Bash Script (9.51 MB)
11 Lab - Exit Code number (22.16 MB)
12 Lab - Exit code in Bash Script (35.17 MB)
13 Test Logic (22.94 MB)
14 Lab - Test Logic (14.95 MB)
15 Conditional Structures - if, else, elif (6.91 MB)
16 Lab - if, else (12.56 MB)
17 Lab - if, elif (18.59 MB)
18 Grep Command (19.27 MB)
19 Regular expressions (8.95 MB)
2 Execute a Bash Shell Script (10.13 MB)
20 Lab - Match the Start and End of a line using ^ & $ (14.67 MB)
3 Quote Special Characters (23.96 MB)
4 Lab - Variable & Special Characters (12.97 MB)
5 echo command (21.55 MB)
6 Lab - echo command (13.35 MB)
7 Lab - redirection operator (12.33 MB)
8 Lab - redirection stderr, append 2, (17.9 MB)
9 Loops to Iterate Commands (19.77 MB)
1 Schedule Deferred User Tasks (13.24 MB)
10 Recurring System Jobs (27.21 MB)
11 Run Periodic commands with Anacron (40.4 MB)
12 Systemd Timer (35.04 MB)
13 Lab - Systemd Timer (18.53 MB)
14 Managing Temporary Files (53.63 MB)
15 Cleaning Temporary Files with a Systemd Timer (46.98 MB)
16 Lab 1 - Managing Temp Files (19.97 MB)
17 Lab 2 - Managing Temp Files (25.68 MB)
2 Inspect and Manage Deferred User Jobs (8.59 MB)
3 Lab1 - at command (32.8 MB)
4 Lab2 - at command (12.41 MB)
5 Recurring User Jobs (22.7 MB)
6 Examples - Recurring User Jobs (18.12 MB)
7 Lab - crontab (Recurring User Jobs) (17.34 MB)
8 Lab 1 - Schedule a Script via Crontab (25.37 MB)
9 Lab 2 - Schedule a Script via Crontab (17.54 MB)
1 Adjust Tuning Profiles (38.11 MB)
2 Manage Profiles from the Command Line (32.15 MB)
3 Manage Profiles with the Web Console (25.21 MB)
4 Linux Process Scheduling (18.12 MB)
1 SELinux Security Concepts (13.97 MB)
10 Industrial Project on SELinux Security - 1 (21.16 MB)
11 Industrial Project on SELinux Security - 2 (22.35 MB)
12 Industrial Project on SELinux Security - 3 (19.98 MB)
13 Industrial Project on SELinux Security - 4 (6.35 MB)
14 Lab - SELinux Context (19.7 MB)
15 Change SELinux Context (18.86 MB)
16 Lab - Change the SELinux Context (10.26 MB)
17 Define SELinux Default File Context Policies (27.27 MB)
18 Lab - SELinux Default File Context Policies (14.17 MB)
19 SELinux Booleans (17.07 MB)
2 SELinux Protection ( DAC vs MAC) (30.23 MB)
20 Lab 1 - SELinux Booleans (40.22 MB)
21 Lab 2 - SELinux Booleans (8.08 MB)
3 SELinux Context (25.33 MB)
4 Lab - SELinux Context (39.71 MB)
5 Practical approach to understand SELinux security (6.19 MB)
6 SELinux Modes (10.71 MB)
7 Toggling the SELinux modes temporarily (4.2 MB)
8 Toggling the SELinux modes permanently (8.72 MB)
9 Lab - SELinux Security (28.87 MB)
1 Overview of Partition Disks (14.54 MB)
10 Lab - Persistently Mount File Systems (21.82 MB)
11 lsblk command to scan the block devices (17.04 MB)
12 Swap Space Concepts (18.59 MB)
13 Create a Swap Partition (28.54 MB)
14 Activate Swap Space (9.78 MB)
15 Activate Swap Space Persistently (18.24 MB)
16 Set Swap Space Priority (21.38 MB)
2 MBR Partition Scheme (13.43 MB)
3 MBR - Master Boot Record (7.68 MB)
4 Limitations of MBR Partition Scheme (18.08 MB)
5 GPT Partition Scheme (13.35 MB)
6 Manage partitions (17.56 MB)
7 Lab - Create partitions using parted command (39.42 MB)
8 Lab - Create a partition using a single command (15.67 MB)
9 Lab - Create File Systems (20.71 MB)
1 Overview of LVM - Logical Volume Manager (43.72 MB)
10 Extend a Volume Group Size (11.32 MB)
11 Lab - Extend a Volume Group Size (19.45 MB)
12 Extend a Logical Volume Size (9.52 MB)
13 Lab - Extend an XFS File System (28.06 MB)
14 Lab - Extend an EXT4 File System (41.06 MB)
15 Extend Swap Space Logical Volumes (23.78 MB)
16 Reduce Volume Group Storage (21.8 MB)
17 Remove a Logical Volume (13.95 MB)
18 Remove the Volume Group (13.05 MB)
2 Features of LVM (17.74 MB)
3 Architectural Overview of LVM (17.24 MB)
4 Architectural Overview via Diagram (8.36 MB)
5 Lab - Create PV (Physical Volume) (31.93 MB)
6 Lab - Create VG (Volume Group) (7.05 MB)
7 Lab - Create LV (Logical Volume) (29.03 MB)
8 Lab - Create a FS on the LV (24.18 MB)
9 Lab - Display Information about PV, VG, and LV (17.56 MB)
1 Overview of Stratis Storage Management (16.17 MB)
10 Industrial Project - Lab 4 (24.22 MB)
11 Industrial Project - Lab 5 (28.64 MB)
12 Industrial Project - Lab 6 (8.34 MB)
2 Install and Enable Stratis (21.75 MB)
3 Create Stratis Pools (23.92 MB)
4 Manage Stratis File Systems (11.81 MB)
5 Create a Stratis file system snapshot (20.68 MB)
6 Persistently Mount Stratis File Systems (34.88 MB)
7 Industrial Project - Lab 1 (24.02 MB)
8 Industrial Project - Lab 2 (20.4 MB)
9 Industrial Project - Lab 3 (15.18 MB)
1 Overview of NFS in Linux (11.25 MB)
10 Lab - Umount the Exported FS (11.43 MB)
11 Mount NFS Exports with the Automounter (21.85 MB)
12 Lab 1 - Setup automount using Indirect Map (17.26 MB)
13 Lab 2 - Setup automount using Indirect Map (21.09 MB)
14 Lab 3 - Check the Autofs working (8.33 MB)
15 Lab 4 - Automatically unmount the file system if it is not being accessed (7.21 MB)
16 Lab 1 - Industrial Project on Indirect Wildcard Maps (10.98 MB)
17 Lab 2 - Industrial Project on Indirect Wildcard Maps (18.59 MB)
18 Lab 3 - Industrial Project on Indirect Wildcard Maps (7.26 MB)
19 Lab 4 - Industrial Project on Indirect Wildcard Maps (16.08 MB)
2 Accessing exported NFS directories (11.04 MB)
20 Lab 5 - Industrial Project on Indirect Wildcard Maps (11.11 MB)
3 Query a Server's Exported NFS Directories (9.8 MB)
4 Create a local yum server to install NFS package (20.83 MB)
5 Lab - Install NFS Package (15.61 MB)
6 Lab - Create a NFS File System (17.39 MB)
7 Lab - Export the File System (14.95 MB)
8 Lab - Configure NFS Client (24.93 MB)
9 Lab - Mount the Exported FS on Client (10.2 MB)


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