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Louise Delos Reyes is The Wife in this adult drama with Diego Loyzaga and Cara Gonzales. A couple's marriage gets tainted as the husband cheats. How can the wife take her husband's dying plea to be with her and his mistress at the remaining days of his life?
Louise Delos Reyes is The Wife in this adult drama with Diego Loyzaga and Cara Gonzales. A couple's marriage gets tainted as the husband cheats. How can the wife take her husband's dying plea to be with her and his mistress at the remaining days of his life?
Louise Delos Reyes is The Wife in this adult drama with Diego Loyzaga and Cara Gonzales. A couple's marriage gets tainted as the husband cheats. How can the wife take her husband's dying plea to be with her and his mistress at the remaining days of his life?
Louise Delos Reyes is The Wife in this adult drama with Diego Loyzaga and Cara Gonzales. A couple's marriage gets tainted as the husband cheats. How can the wife take her husband's dying plea to be with her and his mistress at the remaining days of his life?