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Elaine (Katya Santos) and Orly (Raymond Bagatsing) are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the day while she works as a tollbooth clerk at night… each one barely having time for the other. But while Orly finds solace in the routine, Elaine feels trapped. Until she meets Miguel (Carlo Maceda), a young playboy, who introduces her to an exciting and exhilarating world that liberates her from an otherwise boring existence. With each sexual encounter, Elaine becomes more daring, matching Miguel’s appetite for life and sex. What starts out as a game of pleasure turns out to be an experience that will change their lives forever.
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Elaine (Katya Santos) and Orly (Raymond Bagatsing) are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the day while she works as a tollbooth clerk at night… each one barely having time for the other. But while Orly finds solace in the routine, Elaine feels trapped. Until she meets Miguel (Carlo Maceda), a young playboy, who introduces her to an exciting and exhilarating world that liberates her from an otherwise boring existence. With each sexual encounter, Elaine becomes more daring, matching Miguel’s appetite for life and sex. What starts out as a game of pleasure turns out to be an experience that will change their lives forever.
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Elaine (Katya Santos) and Orly (Raymond Bagatsing) are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the day while she works as a tollbooth clerk at night… each one barely having time for the other. But while Orly finds solace in the routine, Elaine feels trapped. Until she meets Miguel (Carlo Maceda), a young playboy, who introduces her to an exciting and exhilarating world that liberates her from an otherwise boring existence. With each sexual encounter, Elaine becomes more daring, matching Miguel’s appetite for life and sex. What starts out as a game of pleasure turns out to be an experience that will change their lives forever.
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Elaine (Katya Santos) and Orly (Raymond Bagatsing) are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the day while she works as a tollbooth clerk at night… each one barely having time for the other. But while Orly finds solace in the routine, Elaine feels trapped. Until she meets Miguel (Carlo Maceda), a young playboy, who introduces her to an exciting and exhilarating world that liberates her from an otherwise boring existence. With each sexual encounter, Elaine becomes more daring, matching Miguel’s appetite for life and sex. What starts out as a game of pleasure turns out to be an experience that will change their lives forever.
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Elaine (Katya Santos) and Orly (Raymond Bagatsing) are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the day while she works as a tollbooth clerk at night… each one barely having time for the other. But while Orly finds solace in the routine, Elaine feels trapped. Until she meets Miguel (Carlo Maceda), a young playboy, who introduces her to an exciting and exhilarating world that liberates her from an otherwise boring existence. With each sexual encounter, Elaine becomes more daring, matching Miguel’s appetite for life and sex. What starts out as a game of pleasure turns out to be an experience that will change their lives forever.
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Elaine (Katya Santos) and Orly (Raymond Bagatsing) are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the day while she works as a tollbooth clerk at night… each one barely having time for the other. But while Orly finds solace in the routine, Elaine feels trapped. Until she meets Miguel (Carlo Maceda), a young playboy, who introduces her to an exciting and exhilarating world that liberates her from an otherwise boring existence. With each sexual encounter, Elaine becomes more daring, matching Miguel’s appetite for life and sex. What starts out as a game of pleasure turns out to be an experience that will change their lives forever.
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Elaine (Katya Santos) and Orly (Raymond Bagatsing) are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the day while she works as a tollbooth clerk at night… each one barely having time for the other. But while Orly finds solace in the routine, Elaine feels trapped. Until she meets Miguel (Carlo Maceda), a young playboy, who introduces her to an exciting and exhilarating world that liberates her from an otherwise boring existence. With each sexual encounter, Elaine becomes more daring, matching Miguel’s appetite for life and sex. What starts out as a game of pleasure turns out to be an experience that will change their lives forever.
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