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Referral Contest Guidelines

Q 0


Oct 5, 2024
Reaction score
5 months of service
These are the guidelines for the referral contest that needs to be followed:

  1. For your referral to be counted, he/she needs to make at least 50 posts.
  2. Use bit.ly to shorten your referral links.
  3. You need to have at least 100 posts to be able to participate.
  4. You can use your referral link or the invitation system HERE.
  5. Do NOT create multiple accounts. Your main account and all others will be permanently banned.
  6. If the winners didn't reach at least 50 referrals, the contest end date will be extended.
TIP: Visit Reddit, Facebook groups, Telegram, Discord, or any other online community. Simulate selling or sharing a set, and when someone sends you a private message (PM) requesting it, provide them with the thread you created in katz. By registering under the thread you created, they will be recognized as your referral.
thank you
J 0


2nd Account
Oct 14, 2024
Reaction score
5 months of service
These are the guidelines for the referral contest that needs to be followed:

  1. For your referral to be counted, he/she needs to make at least 50 posts.
  2. Use bit.ly to shorten your referral links.
  3. You need to have at least 100 posts to be able to participate.
  4. You can use your referral link or the invitation system HERE.
  5. Do NOT create multiple accounts. Your main account and all others will be permanently banned.
  6. If the winners didn't reach at least 50 referrals, the contest end date will be extended.
TIP: Visit Reddit, Facebook groups, Telegram, Discord, or any other online community. Simulate selling or sharing a set, and when someone sends you a private message (PM) requesting it, provide them with the thread you created in katz. By registering under the thread you created, they will be recognized as your referral.
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