- help: Shows a full list of commands.
- chanclear: Purges your messages in the command channel.
- msgedit: Edits all you messages in a channel.
- userinfo: Gets the info of all users mentioned after the command and sends in chat as a text file.
- spam: Spams a message in chat.Your token is how the bot will connect to your account. You'll have to paste it in the quotations.
- gspam: Ghost spams messages in chat.
- rspam: Ghost spams a list of all roles.
- nuke: Nukes the server.
- logout: Logs out of the client.
- help: Shows a full list of commands.
- chanclear: Purges your messages in the command channel.
- msgedit: Edits all you messages in a channel.
- userinfo: Gets the info of all users mentioned after the command and sends in chat as a text file.
- spam: Spams a message in chat.Your token is how the bot will connect to your account. You'll have to paste it in the quotations.
- gspam: Ghost spams messages in chat.
- rspam: Ghost spams a list of all roles.
- nuke: Nukes the server.
- logout: Logs out of the client.