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My list of good RPG games

B 0


Oct 16, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service
If you are looking for good RPG games here, I have a list for you to choose from. Reminder that this is not by ranking and I am just listing them as I remember them

Caravaneer 2 (This is an old flash game but now its available on steam, The campaign lets you play as a man/woman from a bunker in a post apocalyptic desert setting where you need to search for your old friend and mentor. The main quests are linear but there are side quests to side track you and add to the desert experience. Food, water, and oil are a thing here. Transportation in the vast desert requires you to have animals or late game vehicles to traverse the map. You can walk but you need to have a lot of carrying space on you or another member to add to your team. There are raiders so you need to equip yourself with weapons ranging from the humble knife to the heavy minigun. The combat in this game is turned based and is fallout 1 and 2 like. There is permadeath here for your pack animals, vehicles and companions)

Stellaris (This is primarily a space RTS/strategy game but it has roleplaying elements where you get to chose what type of government and the ethics that you will have, you can make your own history for your home world. If this is your thing then take a look at its trailer. There are a lot of good DLCs in this game but this might overwhelm you in cost. If you got the cash and like what this game is all about, give it a try)

Cyberpunk (Despite its horrible release, this game does have a good storyline. You play as a citizen of night city making your way through the ranks of the mercenaries that plague the city. One job however will change your life forever. If you have an above average PC and some cash, check out its trailer and then if you're still interested despite the numerous bugs, get the game)

GTA Vice City, San Andreas, IV (These games have set the bar high for me when it comes to games that have good storyline and ample playing time. If you have not tried any of them. I highly recommend playing these three first and do not buy GTA 5, its not a good game despite boasting three characters. The character development if GTA V is almost non existent as you cannot relate to the main characters in terms of personal conflict and social interactions)

Project Zomboid (If you are setting your sights on a good RPG Zombie survival game, this is for you. You wake up as a survivor in a zombie apocalypse and depending on the settings. You can start at the start of the apocalype or 6 months in. You craft defenses in for your house, You have to be as stealthy as you can since depending on the settings you set, the zombies can have eagle eyes, sensitive hearing and you can even make them sprint like usain bolt that does not get tired. Cars are available in the game which are good NOISY assets to your survival and you need to have the necessary skills to maintain it. You need to stock up on food by looting, hunting or fishing. You need a good source of water too since thirst is detrimental to your health. Survival is the game but as the game always tells you at the start "This is how you die". Once you have enjoyed the vanilla game I suggest you to install MODS. Good mods will enhance your experience with this game)

Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 (If you are looking for a good cowboy style RPG then I highly recommend this for you. I suggest you to watch the trailers for these two games first and I recommend that you experience this game without me telling you anything. Rockstar nailed this game. Just do not play the online version of this)

Assassins Creed Black Flag 2 (If you are interested in pirates, sea shanties with the occasional assassination trope where you jump from the tallest point in every island and land unbelievable safely in a haystack. I recommend this game for you)
Ayos listahan mo boss. Thank you
N 0


Oct 17, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service
If you are looking for good RPG games here, I have a list for you to choose from. Reminder that this is not by ranking and I am just listing them as I remember them

Caravaneer 2 (This is an old flash game but now its available on steam, The campaign lets you play as a man/woman from a bunker in a post apocalyptic desert setting where you need to search for your old friend and mentor. The main quests are linear but there are side quests to side track you and add to the desert experience. Food, water, and oil are a thing here. Transportation in the vast desert requires you to have animals or late game vehicles to traverse the map. You can walk but you need to have a lot of carrying space on you or another member to add to your team. There are raiders so you need to equip yourself with weapons ranging from the humble knife to the heavy minigun. The combat in this game is turned based and is fallout 1 and 2 like. There is permadeath here for your pack animals, vehicles and companions)

Stellaris (This is primarily a space RTS/strategy game but it has roleplaying elements where you get to chose what type of government and the ethics that you will have, you can make your own history for your home world. If this is your thing then take a look at its trailer. There are a lot of good DLCs in this game but this might overwhelm you in cost. If you got the cash and like what this game is all about, give it a try)

Cyberpunk (Despite its horrible release, this game does have a good storyline. You play as a citizen of night city making your way through the ranks of the mercenaries that plague the city. One job however will change your life forever. If you have an above average PC and some cash, check out its trailer and then if you're still interested despite the numerous bugs, get the game)

GTA Vice City, San Andreas, IV (These games have set the bar high for me when it comes to games that have good storyline and ample playing time. If you have not tried any of them. I highly recommend playing these three first and do not buy GTA 5, its not a good game despite boasting three characters. The character development if GTA V is almost non existent as you cannot relate to the main characters in terms of personal conflict and social interactions)

Project Zomboid (If you are setting your sights on a good RPG Zombie survival game, this is for you. You wake up as a survivor in a zombie apocalypse and depending on the settings. You can start at the start of the apocalype or 6 months in. You craft defenses in for your house, You have to be as stealthy as you can since depending on the settings you set, the zombies can have eagle eyes, sensitive hearing and you can even make them sprint like usain bolt that does not get tired. Cars are available in the game which are good NOISY assets to your survival and you need to have the necessary skills to maintain it. You need to stock up on food by looting, hunting or fishing. You need a good source of water too since thirst is detrimental to your health. Survival is the game but as the game always tells you at the start "This is how you die". Once you have enjoyed the vanilla game I suggest you to install MODS. Good mods will enhance your experience with this game)

Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 (If you are looking for a good cowboy style RPG then I highly recommend this for you. I suggest you to watch the trailers for these two games first and I recommend that you experience this game without me telling you anything. Rockstar nailed this game. Just do not play the online version of this)

Assassins Creed Black Flag 2 (If you are interested in pirates, sea shanties with the occasional assassination trope where you jump from the tallest point in every island and land unbelievable safely in a haystack. I recommend this game for you)
itry ko to salamat boss
L 0


Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service
If you are looking for good RPG games here, I have a list for you to choose from. Reminder that this is not by ranking and I am just listing them as I remember them

Caravaneer 2 (This is an old flash game but now its available on steam, The campaign lets you play as a man/woman from a bunker in a post apocalyptic desert setting where you need to search for your old friend and mentor. The main quests are linear but there are side quests to side track you and add to the desert experience. Food, water, and oil are a thing here. Transportation in the vast desert requires you to have animals or late game vehicles to traverse the map. You can walk but you need to have a lot of carrying space on you or another member to add to your team. There are raiders so you need to equip yourself with weapons ranging from the humble knife to the heavy minigun. The combat in this game is turned based and is fallout 1 and 2 like. There is permadeath here for your pack animals, vehicles and companions)

Stellaris (This is primarily a space RTS/strategy game but it has roleplaying elements where you get to chose what type of government and the ethics that you will have, you can make your own history for your home world. If this is your thing then take a look at its trailer. There are a lot of good DLCs in this game but this might overwhelm you in cost. If you got the cash and like what this game is all about, give it a try)

Cyberpunk (Despite its horrible release, this game does have a good storyline. You play as a citizen of night city making your way through the ranks of the mercenaries that plague the city. One job however will change your life forever. If you have an above average PC and some cash, check out its trailer and then if you're still interested despite the numerous bugs, get the game)

GTA Vice City, San Andreas, IV (These games have set the bar high for me when it comes to games that have good storyline and ample playing time. If you have not tried any of them. I highly recommend playing these three first and do not buy GTA 5, its not a good game despite boasting three characters. The character development if GTA V is almost non existent as you cannot relate to the main characters in terms of personal conflict and social interactions)

Project Zomboid (If you are setting your sights on a good RPG Zombie survival game, this is for you. You wake up as a survivor in a zombie apocalypse and depending on the settings. You can start at the start of the apocalype or 6 months in. You craft defenses in for your house, You have to be as stealthy as you can since depending on the settings you set, the zombies can have eagle eyes, sensitive hearing and you can even make them sprint like usain bolt that does not get tired. Cars are available in the game which are good NOISY assets to your survival and you need to have the necessary skills to maintain it. You need to stock up on food by looting, hunting or fishing. You need a good source of water too since thirst is detrimental to your health. Survival is the game but as the game always tells you at the start "This is how you die". Once you have enjoyed the vanilla game I suggest you to install MODS. Good mods will enhance your experience with this game)

Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 (If you are looking for a good cowboy style RPG then I highly recommend this for you. I suggest you to watch the trailers for these two games first and I recommend that you experience this game without me telling you anything. Rockstar nailed this game. Just do not play the online version of this)

Assassins Creed Black Flag 2 (If you are interested in pirates, sea shanties with the occasional assassination trope where you jump from the tallest point in every island and land unbelievable safely in a haystack. I recommend this game for you)
Def need to try project zomboid. The concept of the game is cool and ung slow-pacing
S 0


Nov 24, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service
Same sa black flag. Dagdag ko rin ac revelations kasi super nostalgic nya for me
S 0


Dec 25, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service
If you are looking for good RPG games here, I have a list for you to choose from. Reminder that this is not by ranking and I am just listing them as I remember them

Caravaneer 2 (This is an old flash game but now its available on steam, The campaign lets you play as a man/woman from a bunker in a post apocalyptic desert setting where you need to search for your old friend and mentor. The main quests are linear but there are side quests to side track you and add to the desert experience. Food, water, and oil are a thing here. Transportation in the vast desert requires you to have animals or late game vehicles to traverse the map. You can walk but you need to have a lot of carrying space on you or another member to add to your team. There are raiders so you need to equip yourself with weapons ranging from the humble knife to the heavy minigun. The combat in this game is turned based and is fallout 1 and 2 like. There is permadeath here for your pack animals, vehicles and companions)

Stellaris (This is primarily a space RTS/strategy game but it has roleplaying elements where you get to chose what type of government and the ethics that you will have, you can make your own history for your home world. If this is your thing then take a look at its trailer. There are a lot of good DLCs in this game but this might overwhelm you in cost. If you got the cash and like what this game is all about, give it a try)

Cyberpunk (Despite its horrible release, this game does have a good storyline. You play as a citizen of night city making your way through the ranks of the mercenaries that plague the city. One job however will change your life forever. If you have an above average PC and some cash, check out its trailer and then if you're still interested despite the numerous bugs, get the game)

GTA Vice City, San Andreas, IV (These games have set the bar high for me when it comes to games that have good storyline and ample playing time. If you have not tried any of them. I highly recommend playing these three first and do not buy GTA 5, its not a good game despite boasting three characters. The character development if GTA V is almost non existent as you cannot relate to the main characters in terms of personal conflict and social interactions)

Project Zomboid (If you are setting your sights on a good RPG Zombie survival game, this is for you. You wake up as a survivor in a zombie apocalypse and depending on the settings. You can start at the start of the apocalype or 6 months in. You craft defenses in for your house, You have to be as stealthy as you can since depending on the settings you set, the zombies can have eagle eyes, sensitive hearing and you can even make them sprint like usain bolt that does not get tired. Cars are available in the game which are good NOISY assets to your survival and you need to have the necessary skills to maintain it. You need to stock up on food by looting, hunting or fishing. You need a good source of water too since thirst is detrimental to your health. Survival is the game but as the game always tells you at the start "This is how you die". Once you have enjoyed the vanilla game I suggest you to install MODS. Good mods will enhance your experience with this game)

Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 (If you are looking for a good cowboy style RPG then I highly recommend this for you. I suggest you to watch the trailers for these two games first and I recommend that you experience this game without me telling you anything. Rockstar nailed this game. Just do not play the online version of this)

Assassins Creed Black Flag 2 (If you are interested in pirates, sea shanties with the occasional assassination trope where you jump from the tallest point in every island and land unbelievable safely in a haystack. I recommend this game for you)
Nice list man gonna play these soon
D 0


Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
1 years of service
If you are looking for good RPG games here, I have a list for you to choose from. Reminder that this is not by ranking and I am just listing them as I remember them

Caravaneer 2 (This is an old flash game but now its available on steam, The campaign lets you play as a man/woman from a bunker in a post apocalyptic desert setting where you need to search for your old friend and mentor. The main quests are linear but there are side quests to side track you and add to the desert experience. Food, water, and oil are a thing here. Transportation in the vast desert requires you to have animals or late game vehicles to traverse the map. You can walk but you need to have a lot of carrying space on you or another member to add to your team. There are raiders so you need to equip yourself with weapons ranging from the humble knife to the heavy minigun. The combat in this game is turned based and is fallout 1 and 2 like. There is permadeath here for your pack animals, vehicles and companions)

Stellaris (This is primarily a space RTS/strategy game but it has roleplaying elements where you get to chose what type of government and the ethics that you will have, you can make your own history for your home world. If this is your thing then take a look at its trailer. There are a lot of good DLCs in this game but this might overwhelm you in cost. If you got the cash and like what this game is all about, give it a try)

Cyberpunk (Despite its horrible release, this game does have a good storyline. You play as a citizen of night city making your way through the ranks of the mercenaries that plague the city. One job however will change your life forever. If you have an above average PC and some cash, check out its trailer and then if you're still interested despite the numerous bugs, get the game)

GTA Vice City, San Andreas, IV (These games have set the bar high for me when it comes to games that have good storyline and ample playing time. If you have not tried any of them. I highly recommend playing these three first and do not buy GTA 5, its not a good game despite boasting three characters. The character development if GTA V is almost non existent as you cannot relate to the main characters in terms of personal conflict and social interactions)

Project Zomboid (If you are setting your sights on a good RPG Zombie survival game, this is for you. You wake up as a survivor in a zombie apocalypse and depending on the settings. You can start at the start of the apocalype or 6 months in. You craft defenses in for your house, You have to be as stealthy as you can since depending on the settings you set, the zombies can have eagle eyes, sensitive hearing and you can even make them sprint like usain bolt that does not get tired. Cars are available in the game which are good NOISY assets to your survival and you need to have the necessary skills to maintain it. You need to stock up on food by looting, hunting or fishing. You need a good source of water too since thirst is detrimental to your health. Survival is the game but as the game always tells you at the start "This is how you die". Once you have enjoyed the vanilla game I suggest you to install MODS. Good mods will enhance your experience with this game)

Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 (If you are looking for a good cowboy style RPG then I highly recommend this for you. I suggest you to watch the trailers for these two games first and I recommend that you experience this game without me telling you anything. Rockstar nailed this game. Just do not play the online version of this)

Assassins Creed Black Flag 2 (If you are interested in pirates, sea shanties with the occasional assassination trope where you jump from the tallest point in every island and land unbelievable safely in a haystack. I recommend this game for you)
Was thinking of trying cyberpunk since it's always on discount now (probably because the dlc is out). Great list!
D 0


Dec 27, 2022
Reaction score
2 years of service
Nice, will try some of these. Mukhang magugustuhan ko yung project zomboid. Thanks!
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