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I have a question for those guys who have the opportunity to test this
I have macbook pro 2020 and thinking if windows specs are capable of having better performance as I don't have the chance to test it. ( Within MacBook budget range )
Personally haven't tested macbooks, pero in the other way around as a PC user I want to own one. Looking at tech reviews and videos about it, Macbook is great for work/office and multimedia related tasks, since majority ng mga content creators na nakikita ko specifically music related yan ang gamit. If you wanted to try PC, it can do the same and more na wala sa MacOS, as long as you have the right specs. So in the end, yung purpose parin talaga ng paggamit mo ang magwweigh if it is worth it. Knowing how expensive higher specced Macs are even some of the base models, I think you are capable to build a good performing PC.
Lamang lang ni mac tbh is the look and user friendliness ng UI. Overall mas ok para sakin PC kasi mas versatile at pwedeng gamitin kahit saan at para sa kahit anong gusto mo. Mapa hardcore gaming yan o simpleng youtube lang