uii... nice ito sir.. goodstuffHow to be a veteran kisser
Whether you are a newbie or you consider yourself a veteran kisser, there are some rules that you should follow and, at times, break. Here's what you should know about lip-locks before you pucker-up.
Check for bad breath
That's the basic thing you should be careful about. Don't have a garlic-laced lunch before a make-out session. If you can't do this, then don't be surprised if the girl turns away her face in disgust.
Don't smoke before kissing
Imagine kissing an ashtray... Kissing a person who has just smoked is exactly like that. Make sure that you are nowhere near a cigarette before you decide to pucker-up.
Avoid chapped lips
It's simple... use a chapstick often. There's no reason why you or your partner should suffer because of something like chapped lips. Make kissing a pleasurable experience not a painful one.
Tone down the lipstick
We know you love your glossy lipstick, but cut down on the use of it when you are likely to be headed for a make out session. You man may like the way your lips look after you apply lipstick, but he definitely doesn't want to have it for dinner.
Don't open your mouth too wide
That just looks gross. Most girls decide within the first few seconds of kissing a guy about whether the relationship has any future. If you lunge at her with your mouth open she's sure to show you the door.
Guys, shave before you pucker up
Most girls have admitted that kissing a man with a stubble isn't very appealing. So try to shave before you kiss-and-tell. Your girlfriend is bound to reward you for your neat and clean act.
Go slow
If it's your first kiss don't try to go to fast. Don't try to French-kiss your girl. Also, if this is your first kiss with your new partner then make sure that your hands don't go out of bounds.
Don't try French-kissing in public
You may be ***zy about your girl but that doesn't mean you forget where you live. Yes, things are changing and we are more liberal, but trying to opt for a French-kiss in middle of a mall is plain stupid. Don't be surprised if you are asked to leave the premises.
Don't be selfish
Yes, kissing is all about pleasure, but be sensitive. The person you are kissing may or may not be enjoying the pace you are going at, so be careful and don't just think about yourself. A good kisser always thinks about his/her partner.
Watch the kiss
Many people think that it's rude to keep their eyes open while kissing, but it actually depends from person to person. If you and your partner enjoy kissing with your eyes open, then there is nothing wrong with it. There are no hard and fast rules where kissing is concerned.
Don't ask him/her to compare
Don't ever ask your partner to compare your kissing style to that of his ex. Similarly, don't ever rate your partner. Don't go into detailed analysis of your former boyfriend/girlfriend's kissing techniques.
Don't gloat in front of her friends
You think your make-out session with your girlfriend was a big hit, but that doesn't mean you gloat about it in front of her friends. Avoid such things, especially when your girlfriend is a little shy. It's not necessary to share all details and be applauded for every achievement.
Try not to criticise your partner if he/she doesn't meet your expectations
No one is perfect, so don't think that you have the right to go blast your partner for his/her kissing skills if he/she doesn't turn out to be a good kisser. Instead, be patient and try a different technique. You never know, a bad kisser can be moulded to be your partner for life.
Kissing doesn't have to lead to sex
Sorry guys, but that's the truth. A lip lock doesn't necessarily mean that the girl is ready to take things further. Don't treat the kiss as the road to the bed, instead treat it like a destination.