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HOME: 7 Signs You're Not Ready to Get Married Yet

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7 Signs You're Not Ready to Get Married Yet

MoneyMax.ph - Tue, Jul 1, 2014 4:12 PM PHT


Age is not really the sole basis of readiness for marriage. Sometimes, you're 18 but you’re still willing to have the needed commitment while 50-somethings may not be so certain about it. Here are common signs you’re not yet ready to face the next big chapter of your life:

1. You’re in unsteady relationships

Your on-and-offs are bad signs that you can’t handle a relationship – whether it has been your fault, or not; but that doesn’t always mean that if you’re in a long-term relationship, you’re good to go. The notion is that if you can’t handle the worst from a person now, you really can’t handle it even more in the period of marriage where problems are bigger and more complicated.

2. You’re just pressured

Are all your folks walking down the aisle? Or you’ve been so romantic about these trending stage wedding proposals? Or you’re expecting a baby now? If that’s the case, forget about marriage because you’re just pressured. Don’t let external burden and pressure interfere your life decisions because after all, it’s your life and not anyone else’s.

3. You’re still romantically-in-love with your partner

Some experts say that if you’re past the romantic love, then you’re ready to go. Most new lovers are still in the stage of getting to know each other, everyday praises, every minute of texting, dreamy dates and all romantic things. This is not to say that when you’re married, you can’t do all these. It’s just that when you say “I do”, you have more priorities and responsibilities that is far more important than being passionate about your partner.

4. You have unstable income

The unwritten golden rule is that you should have at least three months-worth of survival money in your bank account, but if you really want to get married, you should have more – and that doesn’t matter whether you’re the man or the lady. Financial stability before marriage will help you on, at least, the first year of your marriage. When you start to live on your own, all expenses are coming your way – everyday – and that will increase over time as you move along with your life. These include house rents or home mortgages, maternal expenses,babies, education, retirement funds and a whole lot more. If you think you’re not emotionally and financially ready for all these expenses, you’re not ready yet for marriage.

5. You have trust issues

Trust is one of the many foundations of a picture-perfect marriage. If you have unusual trust issues that always trouble your mind, there might have been a big, unbearable problem in the future as you go along with your future spouse. Help yourself first on overcoming what worries you so you could come anew when you want to have a good start.

6. You’re unwilling to compromise

Marriage is a never-ending process of compromise. If you don’t win a certain argument, then it’s your partner’s victory – it’s just yours and your partner’s. It’s okay to stand by your dispute but it’s also important to listen, settle your thoughts and accept what needs to be accepted. Practice finding the middle of the ground on all your life decisions and you’re ready to go.

7. You have no big-picture plans

Wedding is just a one-day thing. After that is another chapter of your life yet to be discovered. If you’re just looking at the wedding day itself, then you’re screwed. It is important to have a plan from day 1 of your marriage. If it’s not your thing, you’re not yet good to start a life of your own.

The “When you know, you know” is vague. Marriage is something you have to be prepared about – physically, emotionally, and financially. Anything more you need to add? Share it on the comment box.

The post 7 Signs You’re Not Ready to Get Married Yet appeared first on MoneyMax.ph.

Reference: Yahoo! Philippines She
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Sakto ko pang nabasa to kung kelan ikakasal na ko next week hahaha
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Jul 3, 2023
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7 Signs You're Not Ready to Get Married Yet

MoneyMax.ph - Tue, Jul 1, 2014 4:12 PM PHT


Age is not really the sole basis of readiness for marriage. Sometimes, you're 18 but you’re still willing to have the needed commitment while 50-somethings may not be so certain about it. Here are common signs you’re not yet ready to face the next big chapter of your life:

1. You’re in unsteady relationships

Your on-and-offs are bad signs that you can’t handle a relationship – whether it has been your fault, or not; but that doesn’t always mean that if you’re in a long-term relationship, you’re good to go. The notion is that if you can’t handle the worst from a person now, you really can’t handle it even more in the period of marriage where problems are bigger and more complicated.

2. You’re just pressured

Are all your folks walking down the aisle? Or you’ve been so romantic about these trending stage wedding proposals? Or you’re expecting a baby now? If that’s the case, forget about marriage because you’re just pressured. Don’t let external burden and pressure interfere your life decisions because after all, it’s your life and not anyone else’s.

3. You’re still romantically-in-love with your partner

Some experts say that if you’re past the romantic love, then you’re ready to go. Most new lovers are still in the stage of getting to know each other, everyday praises, every minute of texting, dreamy dates and all romantic things. This is not to say that when you’re married, you can’t do all these. It’s just that when you say “I do”, you have more priorities and responsibilities that is far more important than being passionate about your partner.

4. You have unstable income

The unwritten golden rule is that you should have at least three months-worth of survival money in your bank account, but if you really want to get married, you should have more – and that doesn’t matter whether you’re the man or the lady. Financial stability before marriage will help you on, at least, the first year of your marriage. When you start to live on your own, all expenses are coming your way – everyday – and that will increase over time as you move along with your life. These include house rents or home mortgages, maternal expenses,babies, education, retirement funds and a whole lot more. If you think you’re not emotionally and financially ready for all these expenses, you’re not ready yet for marriage.

5. You have trust issues

Trust is one of the many foundations of a picture-perfect marriage. If you have unusual trust issues that always trouble your mind, there might have been a big, unbearable problem in the future as you go along with your future spouse. Help yourself first on overcoming what worries you so you could come anew when you want to have a good start.

6. You’re unwilling to compromise

Marriage is a never-ending process of compromise. If you don’t win a certain argument, then it’s your partner’s victory – it’s just yours and your partner’s. It’s okay to stand by your dispute but it’s also important to listen, settle your thoughts and accept what needs to be accepted. Practice finding the middle of the ground on all your life decisions and you’re ready to go.

7. You have no big-picture plans

Wedding is just a one-day thing. After that is another chapter of your life yet to be discovered. If you’re just looking at the wedding day itself, then you’re screwed. It is important to have a plan from day 1 of your marriage. If it’s not your thing, you’re not yet good to start a life of your own.

The “When you know, you know” is vague. Marriage is something you have to be prepared about – physically, emotionally, and financially. Anything more you need to add? Share it on the comment box.

The post 7 Signs You’re Not Ready to Get Married Yet appeared first on MoneyMax.ph.

Reference: Yahoo! Philippines She
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Di nga yata ako ready. Lagi ko nalang sinasabe baka pag mag 28 pero ayoko pa talaga sana
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Jul 7, 2023
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2 years of service
7 Signs You're Not Ready to Get Married Yet

MoneyMax.ph - Tue, Jul 1, 2014 4:12 PM PHT


Age is not really the sole basis of readiness for marriage. Sometimes, you're 18 but you’re still willing to have the needed commitment while 50-somethings may not be so certain about it. Here are common signs you’re not yet ready to face the next big chapter of your life:

1. You’re in unsteady relationships

Your on-and-offs are bad signs that you can’t handle a relationship – whether it has been your fault, or not; but that doesn’t always mean that if you’re in a long-term relationship, you’re good to go. The notion is that if you can’t handle the worst from a person now, you really can’t handle it even more in the period of marriage where problems are bigger and more complicated.

2. You’re just pressured

Are all your folks walking down the aisle? Or you’ve been so romantic about these trending stage wedding proposals? Or you’re expecting a baby now? If that’s the case, forget about marriage because you’re just pressured. Don’t let external burden and pressure interfere your life decisions because after all, it’s your life and not anyone else’s.

3. You’re still romantically-in-love with your partner

Some experts say that if you’re past the romantic love, then you’re ready to go. Most new lovers are still in the stage of getting to know each other, everyday praises, every minute of texting, dreamy dates and all romantic things. This is not to say that when you’re married, you can’t do all these. It’s just that when you say “I do”, you have more priorities and responsibilities that is far more important than being passionate about your partner.

4. You have unstable income

The unwritten golden rule is that you should have at least three months-worth of survival money in your bank account, but if you really want to get married, you should have more – and that doesn’t matter whether you’re the man or the lady. Financial stability before marriage will help you on, at least, the first year of your marriage. When you start to live on your own, all expenses are coming your way – everyday – and that will increase over time as you move along with your life. These include house rents or home mortgages, maternal expenses,babies, education, retirement funds and a whole lot more. If you think you’re not emotionally and financially ready for all these expenses, you’re not ready yet for marriage.

5. You have trust issues

Trust is one of the many foundations of a picture-perfect marriage. If you have unusual trust issues that always trouble your mind, there might have been a big, unbearable problem in the future as you go along with your future spouse. Help yourself first on overcoming what worries you so you could come anew when you want to have a good start.

6. You’re unwilling to compromise

Marriage is a never-ending process of compromise. If you don’t win a certain argument, then it’s your partner’s victory – it’s just yours and your partner’s. It’s okay to stand by your dispute but it’s also important to listen, settle your thoughts and accept what needs to be accepted. Practice finding the middle of the ground on all your life decisions and you’re ready to go.

7. You have no big-picture plans

Wedding is just a one-day thing. After that is another chapter of your life yet to be discovered. If you’re just looking at the wedding day itself, then you’re screwed. It is important to have a plan from day 1 of your marriage. If it’s not your thing, you’re not yet good to start a life of your own.

The “When you know, you know” is vague. Marriage is something you have to be prepared about – physically, emotionally, and financially. Anything more you need to add? Share it on the comment box.

The post 7 Signs You’re Not Ready to Get Married Yet appeared first on MoneyMax.ph.

Reference: Yahoo! Philippines She
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