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DMSoft DBSync for Access and MSSQL 4.1.7 Multilingual

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Alpha and Omega
Feb 27, 2023
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2 years of service


DMSoft DBSync for Access and MSSQL 4.1.7 Multilingual | Size: 42.08 MB
Language: English

DBConvert/ DBSync for Access and Microsoft SQL Server are powerful cross database migration tools for upsizing and synchronization of Access x86/x64 data to MS SQL Server.
Generally the number concurrent users for an Access database is limited to maximum of 10-20 users. Access does not provide the level of security and reliability that SQL Server does. Besides, Microsoft said, that the MS Jet Database Engine that is used in MS Access, has entered a state of functional deprecation. They recommend using MS SQL Server Express or MS SQL Server Compact Editions instead for new database applications as a backend.
DBConvert for Access and MSSQL performs database conversion from Access 32/64 versions to Microsoft SQL Server/ Windows Azure SQL Databases and inversely. Other migration combinations are supported as well. The tool provides direct conversion but when you need to workaround firewalls MS SQL Dump files may be generated.
DBConvert software is able to convert MS Access queries to MS SQL Server views automatically with no need to know about the differences between SQL dialects.
DBSync for Access and MSSQL is a powerful sync tool designed for two-way synchronization between Access and Microsoft SQL Server databases. Sync of data from MS Access to SQL Azure and vice versa is possible as well. It is also appropriate for database replication between two MS SQL Server databases. DBSync for Access and SQL helps to keep your Access, MS SQL, Azure SQL databases fresh and up-to-date satisfying all possible syncing needs.
Product Highlights
MS Access Work Groups support
Bi-directional synchronization between MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL
Views conversion from MS SQL to MySQL and Oracle and back support
Linked tables support
Access queries to MS SQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL views conversion support
Speed conversion with Bulk and Quantization features
MS SQL Server (Express) 2000/2005/2008/2008 R2/2012/2014, SQL Azure support
Saving data into a MS SQL Dump for export to MS SQL database
Ability to select TCP/IP, PIPE, IPX/SPX communications protocols
Amazon RDS SQL Server DB Instance support
MS SQL schemes support
Product Requirements
Necessary privileges to write into database on the target MS SQL server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file)
Access 2000 or higher. Both Access 32/64 versions are supported
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 x86 Redistributable package
Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
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