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Client Funnel Formula - Digital Marketing Coach Terry Dean

M 0


Mar 11, 2022
Reaction score
3 years of service

Terry Dean - Client Funnel Formula | 3.18 GB
This isn't just about creating a bestselling book, although you will discover proven shortcuts to consistently sell more of your books on Amazon.

It's about attracting a flood of your ideal clients, boosting your credibility, and filling your bank account with cold-hard cash.
As a non-fiction author, you can earn ongoing passive income from the royalties your book generates on Amazon (this includes Kindle, physical, and audible versions).
But the book royalties are only a SMALL portion of the income the Client Funnel Formula generates for you.
The real purpose of this unique system is all the money you earn from your websites.
The conversion rates of everything else you do multiply because of the increased credibility your bestselling book gives you.
Your book shows up on top of the categories you choose, under keywords your buyers are searching, and in recommendations on other similar books in your industry.
Readers join your list to get the content upgrade.and they buy more of your products and services.
Plus, since you're now a premier authority on the topic, you're freed from the chains of being seen as just another commodity.
You can raise your prices and finally sell your products or services for what they're truly worth.
This is about so much more than just being an author.
It's a complete business growth system-in-a-box.
There are 3 core modules in this online course.

Amazon Funnel Formula
Create Passive Income and Attract a Flood of Self-Liquidating Buyers from Amazon
Podcast Traffic Unleashed
How to Attract a HORDE of Hungry Buyers by Sharing Your Story as a Podcast Guest
Book in a Weekend
How to Create a Life Changing Book in Just a Few Days...Even If You're NOT a Writer

Let's dive into what's covered in each of these 3 main modules.
Module 1: Amazon Funnel Formula: Create a Passive Income and Attract a Flood of Self-Liquidating Buyers from Amazon
Module 2: Podcast Traffic Unleashed: How to Attract a HORDE of Hungry Buyers By Sharing Your Story as a Podcast Guest
Module 3: Book in a Weekend: How to Create a Life Changing Book in Just a Few Days...Even if You're NOT a Writer

What's Included:
Amazon Funnel Formula: Create Passive Income and Attract a Flood of Self-Liquidating Buyers from Amazon
Podcast Traffic Unleashed: How to Attract a HORDE of Hungry Buyers by Sharing Your Story as a Podcast Guest
Book in a Weekend: How to Create a Life Changing Book in Just a Few Days...Even If You're NOT a Writer
Client Funnel Formula Guide
Best Selling Title Made Simple Report
Podcast Guest Traffic Unleashed Transcript
Sell More Books with Amazon Ads Transcript
PDFs of ALL the Slides for Easy Reference

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Alpha and Omega
Jan 17, 2022
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