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20 Free PC Apps to Ease Daily Tasks

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Aug 14, 2022
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20 Free PC Apps to Ease Daily Tasks

Eto ang 20 sa mga free PC apps na magagamit nyo sa pang araw2x na computing...karamihan sa kanila ay hindi sikat pero baka yung iba nga eh ginagamit nyo na...

by Brad Chacos @BradChacos Oct 9, 2013 3:00 AM PC World


Toiling away in obscurity

Some of the best things in a PC lovers life are indeed free, but theyre not always obvious. Beyond the free security tools and other must-have programs to install on a new PC lies a whole universe of lesser known, yet no less stellar software thats just begging for a spot on your hard drive.

Need proof? Check out the following 20 supremely handy-dandy programs. None are household names, but all will rock your world.



Lets start with a simple fix for a stupid irritation. If you hover your mouse cursor over a window in Windows and try to use the scroll wheel, nothing happens if the program isnt currently selected-even if you can see it. WizMouse changes that and lets your scroll through inactive windows with ease.



Windows users miss out on something Mac and Linux users have enjoyed for years: virtual desktop support. Virtual desktops create discrete desktop interfaces, letting you, say, maintain separate desktops for work, play, and communication tools, and switch between them at will. Its a great way to reduce clutter and keep like programs together.

Dexpot rocks not only because its absolutely gratis for personal use, but also because its packed with UI hints to remind you about your virtual desktops, and its extremely customizable. Take some time to get acclimated to virtual desktops-theyre a bit of a learned behavior-and youll never be able to go back to the stock, solitary Windows desktop again.

And good news! Windows 10 will include native virtual desktop support.



Photoshop and GIMP-the open-source Photoshop alternative-may be filled with bells and whistles, but all those tools just add to the softwares complexity. Heck, most people dont even need the basics found in Microsofts own Paint. Thats where the lightweight IrfanView comes in.

Irfanview stays lean and mean to focus on lightning-fast file editing and opening times. Converting big batches of image files to new formats is a breeze with this speedy program, and IrfanView still packs everyday editing tools like resizing, rotating, and filtering options. I have Paint, GIMP, and Paint.net on my PC, but IrfanView is the image editor that gets me through my days.



The default Windows Explorer file tool works great! Unless youre shuffling several folders around, that is, since Windows Explorer forces you to open each new destination in a different window. If youre sick of the clutter, give QTTabBar (
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) a whirl. This program brings browser-esque tabs (along with an incredibly useful preview pane) to the OS, letting you open several folders in a single window.

The extra menu can feel a bit cramped alongside Windows 8s Ribbon interface, but QTTabBars functionality is just so great that its worth the acclimation. Older versions of Windows look less squished, though you may need to hop through some hoops to activate the program.

PC Decrapifier


When you buy a shiny -new PC, you expect it to be lean, mean, and ready to rumble. Wrong! Virtually every boxed PC you can buy-Vizios notably aside-comes packed with crapware thats there for no reason other than to pad the PC makers pockets. Worse, crapware slows down your PCs startup and maybe even its general operation.

No more! The superb (and straightforwardly named) PC Decrapifier, well, decrapifies your PC, eliminating the bloatware scourge with minimal muss and fuss. This software is the very first program I use on any PC I touch, build-your-own rigs aside.



After you scrape the crapware out of your new computer with PC Decrapifier, Ninite can help you load it back up with more useful software.

Heading to Ninite.com lets you pick which popular, free apps youd like to install on your computer, then provides a custom installer loaded with your chosen programs. Run it, and all that software makes itself comfy on your PC. Ninite makes stocking a new PC simple, easy, and wonderfully headache-free.



CutePDF is a handy, lightweight utility that actually installs as a printer driver rather than a separate program. Simply select CutePDF from any programs Print menu to save your current happenings as a PDF.

You need to install a PS2PDF converter like Ghostscript to use the program, and it doesnt have the bells and whistles of premium options, but for basic, straightforward PDF creation, you cant go wrong.



The aptly named Everything (
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) is a lightning-fast, no-frills replacement for Windows native file search. Open the program, start typing, and any files or folders that match your search appear as soon as you start typing, like an offline version of Googles instant-search results.

Once youve used this, its hard to go back to Microsofts search solution-though itd be nice if Everything scoured the content of files in addition to file names.

Pro tip: Slap Everything in your taskbar for even faster one-click access to the program. With this tool, youll forget the Start button even existed.



We recently highlighted TeraCopy in a roundup of tools that can help you add Windows 8s best features to Windows 7, and our love still hasnt waned.

TeraCopy replaces Windows default file copying system. This super software brings all your simultaneous transfers into a single dialog box, speeds up your file swaps, and adds a handy pause option.

The real icing on the cake, however, is the way TeraCopy skips over troublesome files and saves them for your perusal at the end of the transfer. No longer will a single in-use file send your massive folder transfer grinding to a complete halt.

Thank you
K 0


Jul 26, 2022
Reaction score
Kantotstreet Caloocan
3 years of service
20 Free PC Apps to Ease Daily Tasks

Eto ang 20 sa mga free PC apps na magagamit nyo sa pang araw2x na computing...karamihan sa kanila ay hindi sikat pero baka yung iba nga eh ginagamit nyo na...

by Brad Chacos @BradChacos Oct 9, 2013 3:00 AM PC World


Toiling away in obscurity

Some of the best things in a PC lovers life are indeed free, but theyre not always obvious. Beyond the free security tools and other must-have programs to install on a new PC lies a whole universe of lesser known, yet no less stellar software thats just begging for a spot on your hard drive.

Need proof? Check out the following 20 supremely handy-dandy programs. None are household names, but all will rock your world.



Lets start with a simple fix for a stupid irritation. If you hover your mouse cursor over a window in Windows and try to use the scroll wheel, nothing happens if the program isnt currently selected-even if you can see it. WizMouse changes that and lets your scroll through inactive windows with ease.



Windows users miss out on something Mac and Linux users have enjoyed for years: virtual desktop support. Virtual desktops create discrete desktop interfaces, letting you, say, maintain separate desktops for work, play, and communication tools, and switch between them at will. Its a great way to reduce clutter and keep like programs together.

Dexpot rocks not only because its absolutely gratis for personal use, but also because its packed with UI hints to remind you about your virtual desktops, and its extremely customizable. Take some time to get acclimated to virtual desktops-theyre a bit of a learned behavior-and youll never be able to go back to the stock, solitary Windows desktop again.

And good news! Windows 10 will include native virtual desktop support.



Photoshop and GIMP-the open-source Photoshop alternative-may be filled with bells and whistles, but all those tools just add to the softwares complexity. Heck, most people dont even need the basics found in Microsofts own Paint. Thats where the lightweight IrfanView comes in.

Irfanview stays lean and mean to focus on lightning-fast file editing and opening times. Converting big batches of image files to new formats is a breeze with this speedy program, and IrfanView still packs everyday editing tools like resizing, rotating, and filtering options. I have Paint, GIMP, and Paint.net on my PC, but IrfanView is the image editor that gets me through my days.



The default Windows Explorer file tool works great! Unless youre shuffling several folders around, that is, since Windows Explorer forces you to open each new destination in a different window. If youre sick of the clutter, give QTTabBar (
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) a whirl. This program brings browser-esque tabs (along with an incredibly useful preview pane) to the OS, letting you open several folders in a single window.

The extra menu can feel a bit cramped alongside Windows 8s Ribbon interface, but QTTabBars functionality is just so great that its worth the acclimation. Older versions of Windows look less squished, though you may need to hop through some hoops to activate the program.

PC Decrapifier


When you buy a shiny -new PC, you expect it to be lean, mean, and ready to rumble. Wrong! Virtually every boxed PC you can buy-Vizios notably aside-comes packed with crapware thats there for no reason other than to pad the PC makers pockets. Worse, crapware slows down your PCs startup and maybe even its general operation.

No more! The superb (and straightforwardly named) PC Decrapifier, well, decrapifies your PC, eliminating the bloatware scourge with minimal muss and fuss. This software is the very first program I use on any PC I touch, build-your-own rigs aside.



After you scrape the crapware out of your new computer with PC Decrapifier, Ninite can help you load it back up with more useful software.

Heading to Ninite.com lets you pick which popular, free apps youd like to install on your computer, then provides a custom installer loaded with your chosen programs. Run it, and all that software makes itself comfy on your PC. Ninite makes stocking a new PC simple, easy, and wonderfully headache-free.



CutePDF is a handy, lightweight utility that actually installs as a printer driver rather than a separate program. Simply select CutePDF from any programs Print menu to save your current happenings as a PDF.

You need to install a PS2PDF converter like Ghostscript to use the program, and it doesnt have the bells and whistles of premium options, but for basic, straightforward PDF creation, you cant go wrong.



The aptly named Everything (
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) is a lightning-fast, no-frills replacement for Windows native file search. Open the program, start typing, and any files or folders that match your search appear as soon as you start typing, like an offline version of Googles instant-search results.

Once youve used this, its hard to go back to Microsofts search solution-though itd be nice if Everything scoured the content of files in addition to file names.

Pro tip: Slap Everything in your taskbar for even faster one-click access to the program. With this tool, youll forget the Start button even existed.



We recently highlighted TeraCopy in a roundup of tools that can help you add Windows 8s best features to Windows 7, and our love still hasnt waned.

TeraCopy replaces Windows default file copying system. This super software brings all your simultaneous transfers into a single dialog box, speeds up your file swaps, and adds a handy pause option.

The real icing on the cake, however, is the way TeraCopy skips over troublesome files and saves them for your perusal at the end of the transfer. No longer will a single in-use file send your massive folder transfer grinding to a complete halt.

Ayun nice lodi
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